Get Involved

Get Involved

The Shelter Project could not run without all the people who volunteer, donate and pray for the project. These are just some of the ways you can get involved, if you are interested in any of them, please get in touch via our contact us form.


Volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved in the Shelter Project Hounslow. Our volunteers find it a rewarding, moving and often fun experience. Each of the Shelters is run entirely by volunteers (with a paid coordinator overseeing all the shelters and providing regular support and advice), and there are roles for everyone. These include (but are not limited to!);

Set up/take down  Most of the Churches in the project do not have a dedicated space for the project and as such there are many jobs to be done before the doors open to the guests. This can include setting up beds, setting tables and general tidying/sorting.

Welcomers Making sure the guests feel welcome when they come in, perhaps getting them a hot drink or spending the evening chatting, hearing their story or even a game of cards.

Cooking Every evening, the guests are provided with a hot evening meal. Someone needs to cook it! Whether you are a professional chef or just an enthusiastic home cook, as long as you are happy to cook a meal for a large number of people this is a great job for you. Many people just choose to do one course.

These are just a sample of some of the roles you could do in any one evening. Volunteers are welcome for just one session a season or multiple depending on what you are willing to give. Contact us to find out which Shelters need help.


The Shelter Project Hounslow relies on funds from multiple sources but often has to rely on donations and fundraising events to supplement those sources.

Most of the Shelters raise their own funds to provide food and equipment each season, this comes from donations within their church or often from the churches fund themselves.


The Shelter Project is a Christian project run by churches in Hounslow Borough, although we will take guests from any faith or none. As such we feel called to show the love that Jesus lived to others. One way you can do this is through prayer, please pray for our guests, volunteers, host churches and the project itself.